Friday, August 10, 2012

Ramblings and Mommy Vacations

I am officially divorced as of July 23rd. My name has officially been changed back to my maiden name. I'm just waiting for the medical card, and the driver's license now. I've been single for the last year. I enjoy being by myself, but I still miss cuddling. I still dream about a man riding up on a black stallion with a white rose to sweep me off my feet. Yeah, yeah, I've been reading too many romance novels. lol.

Sabrea has been spending the 1st through the 15th of June, July, and August with her daddy. I like these mommy vacations. It gives me a chance to do what I want, without a little tag-team partner. I love my kid, but I can get SO much done when she's with her daddy, and SO much faster! These vacations give me a chance to reset myself. Sabrea gets time with her daddy, and daddy gets to be a dad. I miss her when she's gone, but it makes it much sweeter when she comes home.

I'm not working right now. I am getting child support payments that cover my bills and keep us afloat. I did work at Quizno's for a week. The pain in my back nearly made me throw up from only 4 hours of working. A desk job HAS to be the option for me. My back has been increasingly more painful as the days go on. The chiropractor only helps so much. I have a check-up/physical in a couple weeks, so we'll work out a game plan then.

I put together a 500 piece puzzle in a stretch of a few days. I put the first coat of glue on tonight. It's a beautiful Indian maiden with a dreamcatcher, wolves in the clouds, and a waterfall in the background. Bonus: It glows in the dark! I'm pretty proud of that. :)

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