Out of the Mouths of Babes

"Mommy, don't be sad. Monkey Glue will fix everything." (Monkey Glue is Gorilla Glue.) I was having a difficult day, and she said this while handing me her sacred "kankie" (blankie) to make me feel better.
*FYI--Monkey Glue does NOT fix cardboard puzzle pieces.

Sabrea was recently playing with a puzzle, and was getting very frustrated with it. She got the pieces together the correct way, but the puzzle was warped and the pieces didn't STAY together. Frustrated, she asked me: "Mom, can I get the duct tape?" through clenched teeth. I had to keep myself from bursting out laughing.

When asked what she wanted for Christmas, Sabrea calmly answered with a straight face: "Presents."

Another time she was asked, She replied "Snow" (which we never did get for Christmas 2011).