Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Being A Mom Is...

Being a Mom Is
  • ·         Looking down in the shower and finding the rubber froggie squirter looking up at you.
  • ·         Having a bathtub edged with rinsed Dora underwear and training pants (rubber pants) in various stages of drying.
  • ·         Having NO modesty left AT ALL…especially with doctors and nurses.
  • ·         Having the softest and strongest heart in the world.
  • ·         Watching your baby sleep…no matter how old they are.
  • ·         Having seemingly infinite patience.
  • ·         Learning your body’s boundaries…then pushing past them.
  • ·         Realizing just how little sleep you can function on.
  • ·         Picking your battles wisely.
  • ·         Being a queen (or at least princess) of improvisation.
  • ·         Changing a squirmy baby in 30 seconds.
  • ·         Being able to truly relax when the kids are asleep.
  • ·         The ability to decipher a baby’s cries and movements.
  • ·         Holding them close for a little while, then letting them go.


  1. So true. The one that was the biggest shock to me was learning how little sleep I could function on. Before kids I was a 9-10 hour a night sleeper, and now I have yet to sleep that much or rarely 8 hours. I never thought I could function on less than 8 hour regularly but I do every day just fine. How the body adapts.
