Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Last Few Days

The last few days has been spent singing on American Idol Encore 2 on Wii in the evenings. I got to completely DEMOLISH my old couch at the old place. The only tool we had was the Makita Cordless Screwdriver in the upper left corner. The only things left there are things that go to other people. Sometime this next week, I have to recruit some help to clean the old place and call the landlord. Then I'll be done, and free of the old place!! YAY!

Sabrea has been pushing my buttons, and not listening. We're working on that. The potty training is still non-existant. Things have just been hectic.

I still have to call my dad about getting me a car. I need one to get around on my own and get a job (and get Sabrea to daycare)!

Progress on my life is slow going, but I'm still managing. Thanks goes to my friends and family who have been supporting me, and giving me rides, and watching Sabrea for me. I couldn't have gotten this far without their help. Some days are better than others, but they're MY days.

I dyed my hair last night, a beautiful bright red. I LOVE it! It seems as though whenever I dye my hair red, my attitude changes. I find my backbone!! :) That's just what I need right now!

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